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John W. Cross IV | Director, Financial Advisor Thumbnail

John W. Cross IV | Director, Financial Advisor

With nearly three decades of experience as a financial advisor, I have built a distinguished career serving both domestic and international clients. My expertise spans financial advising in the Miami community and across various countries in Latin America enabling me to provide tailored solutions that align with my client’s unique financial objectives. As a native English speaker, I possess full professional proficiency in Spanish dash written, spoken, and oral and conversational skills in Portuguese, allowing me to communicate effectively and diverse cultural and professional contexts.

I'm passionate about helping my clients achieve their financial goals, whether at home or abroad and take pride in delivering personalized guidance that empowers their financial futures.

In addition to my professional work, I have been a committed contributor to nonprofit organizations in Miami such as Big Brothers Big Sisters, Member of the Founders Society of Baptist Hospital, and the 200 Club helping families of fallen police officers, and First Responders in Miami for many years reflecting my deep connection to the community and dedication to giving back. I also enjoy spending my free time playing golf.

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